Fluffy by Donahue


" Fluffy "

May 1988 ---- Aug. 10 1998

Domestic Longhair Cat

Fluffy was more then a pet he was a best friend.

I was two when we first got Fluffy. I don't remember that much about

when he was a kitten but I do remember he would always sleep in my room

at the end of my bed. As I was about to go to sleep I would move my feet

and Fluffy would always play with them. Fluffy was a black and white

domestic longhair. As Fluffy got bigger he lost more and more weight.

My dad never liked cats that much and Fluffy would defecate on my

parents bed. That didn't make my dad very happy. After a year my parents

got sick of it and while I was in St.Louis Fluffy got sick and

my dad wasn't happy with what Fluffy did to his bed.

When I got home that night I unpacked and went to sleep not knowing

what Fluffy did. I woke up the next morning when my friend called

and wanted me to come over. I told my mom I was going to my friend's

and she told me Fluffy was going to Kitty heaven. I had no idea what she

was talking about and she told me what Fluffy did. I started crying

and I'm not the kind of person that cries. I went over to my friends house

and told her that we had to put Fluffy to sleep.

Then I went back home and spent my last day with him.

As the time came to bring Fluffy to the vet I was crying so hard.

I couldn't stop thinking what my life would be like without Fluffy.

As the vet took Fluffy I kissed him and said goodbye.

My mom told me I could keep his ashes. It's been two days since

Fluffy's death and I haven't stoped thinking about him once.

That night my mom and dad said I could get another cat

I was happy but it wouldn't be the same without Fluffy.

I miss you Fluffy you will always be in my heart. I'll see you in

another life and hope you will be waiting there for me.


Love always ~*Kelly*~


