Dusty by Karen


" Dusty "

1978 ----- Aug. 22 1998


For 20 years I had a special friend.

I was six when I first brought her home.

The bond we developed was one not easily understood

by many. She was more "my" cat than the "family" cat.

My room was her room she would have her designated

cuddle time (that lasted for one hour every day) and would

come and tell me when it was time to go to bed.

I'm told that when I would stay out late or go on a trip

she would wander around the house looking for me

and meowing as if she were in pain.

My parents found this odd and yet were also amused.

Her death was sudden. I was outside the country when I got the

phone call that she had been hit by a car outside our home.

What hurts most is that I never got the chance to say good-bye

until some time afterwards. I also feel guilty because two nights

before it happened I had a dream that she was hurt and bleeding.

I was going to call home that week-end to see if she was okay,

but... I miss her terribly and think of her all the time.





