Spook by Marg



December 25 1986 ----- February 14 2000

Russian Blue Cat


You came into my life

as a kitten on death row

at the local animal aid shelter.

You haunted me hiding behing curtains

jumping on my head purring dribbling

loving me as no-one else could.

You survived 17 moves and a major car accident

in which you lost your eye -

but never your love.

And when we moved up here to the Hills to a place

I could finally call my own -

a place where you could retire and die in

arthritic dribbling oldness

at peace with life and the world my cup was full.


And then last night you were brutally taken from me

- your world and mine torn apart by vicious dogs.

Oh god Spookie why this way?

I was too late.

I'm so sorry I wasn't in time and I wish

with all my heart that I could change what has happened.

My little grey ghost my mate of 14 years -

nothing will ever be the same again.

I love you.

I miss you.













