Sirius by Pat


" Sirius "

May 3 1995 ----- Aug. 10 1999

English Mastiff

Yesterday I had to make the ultimate decision.

I prepared you for your Journey to Rainbow Bridge.

You were so sick Sirius you could no longer stand.

When you put your big ole' head in my lap I knew you

were very tired. You are our shining Dog Star.


When you came to us at the age of 4 weeks I thought

we would have you much longer than four years.

At four weeks you were a very sick little puppy,

but Mama Creme took care of that.

She loved you as much as she did her own puppies.

Problem was you never did realize you were not a dachshund!

A great big Dachshund!


I asked Ben to meet you at Rainbow Bridge.

A boy needs a dog.

I will think of the both of you when I see the

Dog Star in the sky.


We miss you both.


Pat and Steve



