Duffy by Ray Blessing


" Duffy Ray Blessing "

April 15 1983 ------- April 14 1997


We adopted Duffy when she was only 3 months old.

My children were young ages 3 6 and 9.

She became the family watch dog. No one got

near my kids when Duffy was around.

She was with me for 14 years with only a few months

separation after my divorce. When I moved I could tell

Duffy was glad for the move. She was glad to be free

to run in the country with a river right outside the back door.

She would never sleep in anything and when it would snow,

you would see her dutifully laying in the front yard guarding

the house. It didn't matter how deep the snow got,

you could see these little black hairs spiking out of the

snow - Duffy's!

She was a mix of a lot of breeds but somewhere along the line

she had acquired some Border Collie and some Huskie in her.

She loved the cold and the snow. In the spring of 1997

Duffy was starting to suffer the effects of old age.

She took her own life in the Wabash River after suffering

a stroke which paralyzed her hind quarters.

She spent a whole day pulling herself to the river.

I didn't understand and sobbed for days.

A friend gave me comfort by saying that it is a dogs

natural instinct to go to water when they know they are

going to die. I accepted and knew Duffy was blessed to

have that water to go to.

She was my best friend for 14 years; I miss her

but understand she is in a far better place.




Ray Blessing