" Rhiannon"
6 / 81 ---- 5 / 14 / 98
Rhiannon was an enormous calico cat who was the only daughter of
her black mother cat whom she lived with her entire life -- just under 17
years. Although her mother was extremely outgoing and friendly Rhiannon
prefered most of her life to hide out whenever anybody came to visit and
she only came back out after they had left! She hated to move and hid
under the floor boards of one house delaying the move for hours while we
searched for her! Towards the end of her life she became more outgoing and
friendly as her mother became old and frail and ill. Rhiannon seemed fine
up until her mother's death but rapidly became ill and deteriorated when
her mother died! She clearly didn't want to live without her only close
friend and companion. Rhiannon died exactly one lunar month 28 days,
after her mother.
Kitty ...................................Rhiannon