To My Sweet “Boogie Boy” Sam
I will always love you I know you know that.
You were so brave and had changed so much from
the mistrusting and shy little dog that walked into
my yard all those years ago.
It took you years to overcome the abuse you had experienced before you met me. You followed me from room to room
you coward in fear at Daddy’s voice.
But after 7 years with me and back surgery where 8 of your vertebre were fused and the dental surgery to remove 8 of your abcessed teeth you were a new little man confident and proud even cocky at times. You became my defender always jumping to Mommie’s defense if you thought I was threatened.
I hope you like the minature rose I planted on your grave it seems to fit you well you “bloomed” into a wonderful little
companion. I think of you and smile every time.
I know you no longer suffer from congestive heart failure in Heaven and I know you no longer suffer the affects of your two strokes. But I certainly miss your little feet clicking on the linoleum your big brown eyes pleading with me to pick you up. Wait for me in Heaven Sweetie I’ll be there to pick you up as soon as I can.
I love and miss you much.
Sammy Boogie Merrill |
12, July 2000 |
Jacquie Merrill |