Kitten by Candice

To my precious Kitten who came into our lives by a knock on the door in the night and given to us by someone who was no longer able to care for you. We immediately bonded and made yourself at home and slept with Lorraine the very first night spent with us. You became our most cherished family addition and the bestest friend anyone could ever have. You changed our hearts forever and will remain in our hearts forever.

I miss you laying on my shoulder as I sit at my computer and you are purring in my ear as I gemtly stroke your fur. I miss you attacking the arrow on my computer screen as I move it around or the words I type that you swatted at. I miss you laying on my computer keys when I was trying to work because you wanted all the attention and you’d look up at me with this look of innocence.

I miss you getting into my silk flowers and playing with them and hiding them when you are finished cause you thought you’d be in trouble. Those silk flowers now lie in a plastic bag with all of your other toys.

I miss you climbing up the screen door and leaving your scratch marks in the screen. You climbed up there just so I would come and get you down. You knew I would.

I miss you jumping onto my arm out of the blue or my pant legs and just haning there waiting to be picked up and held.

I miss you sleeping on my pillow and sleeping by feet or curled up against the back of my legs. I miss you climbing onto the toilet seat and watching you unroll the toilet paper with your paws and then getting yourself wrapped up in the toilet paper when you were finished. I miss you chasing your ball from one end of the house to the other.

I and your family miss everything about you and we were so blessed and lucky to have such a beautiful Kitten and one as loveable as you. We love you.

What I don’t miss is the day we had to put you to sleep because someone poisoned you by feeding you anti freeze prior to you coming to live with us. We didn’t know someone was this cruel. You didn’t act sick until end of Feb 2000. You were to sick to save. It was too late. I am so sorry I hope you can forgive us for not knowing and for having to end your life.

Pappa said your were purring as he held you and then you went to sleep. I am sorry I was not there with you I just couldn’t bare the pain of losing you.

On March 3 2000 we lost our cherished baby. You are in a better place now and I still feel you on my shoulder all the time. Tho my life is empty without you your memory is always here.

I love you we all love you and miss you. Life just isn’t the same anymore.

Mommy Pappa and Rain


3, March 2000