Not Known by Lynda

A wonderful soul from the Rainbow Farms project found this old dog huddled in the snow late on New Years Eve. The blood in the snow alerted her to the fact that an animal was hurt and suffering. She scooped the old dog up and brought him/her into her home and found him/her a warm fluffy blanket. The dog appeared to be a black lab and had gray around the face indicating an elderly dog. His/her feet were cracked and bleeding and the dog was just skin and bones! She offered the dog some warm chicken broth. The tail thumped but the dog could not raise its head. She left the dog and went to lay down. When she arose in the morning the blanket was fluffed up and the bowl was empty. The dog was curled up not far away. She felt the dog and found that he/she had passed to the bridge – but warm and with a full tummy! No one knows who this furry baby is but I couldn’t let the poor thing go to the bridge without a tribute. So whoever you are dear one there are humans who care. My prayer for you is a gentle journey to the bridge where you can play with the other bridge kids. Fly free dear unknown angel. We love you!

Lynda & Angel Flirt and Angel Chelsea and all the other human and canine persons who care


Not Known
31, Dec 2000