Kasey Girl by Rob Tammy Rob Jr. & Joshua

Our Sweet gone too soon Kasey Girl you will be sorely missed our angel. You were sick for so long and the pills were not working anymore. Each year you were getting sicker and we had to make the choice to let you go so you could finally rest. I Know that you will be missed most by our son Robbie whom you were very attached he loved you so. I miss hearing your nails on the lanolim going down to the basement with Robbie now all I hear are his footsteps and feel something missing. Or Lying in the hall waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. I miss watching you prance around outside in the snow which you loved so much carrying your log in your mouth and barking at it when you couldn’t pick it up. Or how you would catch snowballs in your mouth and bark as Robbie threw them at you.

We cried so hard the day you were put down to sleep we could not be selfish anymore we had to do what was best for you and make the pain and suffering go away. You battled the allergies a long time and were not getting any relief. Chippie misses you alot too he lays near the window in hopes that he will see you outside and you will come back home. Or he lays in the bedroom facing the closet. We gave you back to god for safe keeping and to stay with Robbie and Joshua’s Pop-Pop. He will take care of you until we see you again. We know you will be watching over Robbie as he goes off to College this fall. He misses you dearly and will never forget his Kasey Girl. Daddy and I miss you very much as well Kasey “Puppy” as Daddy called you. Rest in Peace our precious girl. And the next time the snow comes we will be thinking of you.

We love you always

Daddy Mommy Robbie Josh Chip (Sheltie) Belle (Pomeranian) Mitts (Kitty)


Kasey Girl
10, March 2001
Rob Tammy Rob Jr. & Joshua