Rainbow by Liz

Rainbow was the most beautiful fish I’ve ever had. He was a betta – mainly dark blue. He had streaks of aqua red green and teal throughout. He was literally a flowing rainbow of color. I admired his beauty and his grace.

Whenever I came up to the tank Rainbow would come over to see me. He’d follow my finger all along the edge of the tank. It always seemed like he was saying “Hello”!

I loved to watch Rainbow. Watching him made me feel peaceful and happy. I’ve become attached to some of my fish before but not like I became attached to Rainbow. I guess in a lot of ways I’m very lonely and he helped to fill the void.

Three weeks ago I purchased some fancy guppies and put them in the tank with Rainbow and some of my other guppies. Those new guppies were sick. Within a week 10 of my guppies were dead. The next morning I found Rainbow at the bottom of the tank. He took one last breath and then he died.

I buried him out in one of my flower beds. Violas will be blooming there soon. It’s a pretty spot and I know he would like it there.

I miss Rainbow a lot. He was a good friend. I hope there is a spot in Heaven for Rainbow and others like him. Thanks for everything Rainbow. I love you.



16, March 2001