Kady by Roberta & John / Mommy & Daddy

Kady’s Story”

You were picked up as a homeless kitty by the NHSPCA
when you were about two years old.
I was picking out a kitten
to bring home for a
companion (I was single at the time).
There you were poking your paw out
of the cage and tapping my sister Karen
on the shoulder
as if to say “hey look at me!”.
We turned around to find
a beautiful Lynxpoint Siamese
with huge beautiful
blue eyes meowing at us.
I opened the cage and you jumped
onto me and wrapped your paws right
around my neck as if to say
“ok I want you let’s go now”.
I left the kitten idea behind and
took you home just as you wanted
for the next 15 years of your life here on earth.
I tell everyone YOU adopted ME you know.

And what a wonderful life it was!
Neither of us were ever alone again.
When I cried you always stayed and kissed me.
When I was sick you always stayed
on the bed to comfort me.
When I married Daddy in 1993 you made the airplane ride
across country with us.
No problem coming out on the baggage belt and
happy to see us again (meow meow)!
Remember when Daddy was in night school
in Texas and I taught you to run to the door
because Daddy was home?
For the rest of your life when ever
I would say “go find Daddy or
go sit with Daddy”
you would go and do just that.
Then in 1996 back across country
in a U-Haul truck between us
in your bed for five days.
No matter though as long as you were
with Mommy & Daddy life was wonderful
We made it through
your intestinal surgery and recovery
in 1996 thyroid and kidney disease’s.
You were so brave Kady and never once did you complain sweet girl.
You were such a brave girl.

We miss you
greeting us every day at the door
happy to see us home again.

I miss you sleeping with me
every night and following me
into the bathroom every morning
for your wake up pats.
Then down the stairs we went
to make coffee and
fill up your bowls
with fresh food and water.
I really miss seeing you run
after Daddy every night after dinner
when he left the kitchen and headed
for the sofa
so you could climb up and
sit on him.
It was your special time together and
he told me he misses it too.
We miss you always talking to us and
sunbathing in front of the slider.
We miss sitting on the deck and
having our Kady Girl sitting
on the rug inside talking to us through the screen. .

Thank you Kady girl
for the 15 years of love and joy
you showered upon us.
We knew you didn’t want to leave us and
are so sorry you had to go but your old organs finally gave out.
We had to act quickly to do
the right thing so you would not
suffer any longer.
You went peacefully just
as you lived your life sweet girl.
I miss kissing your sweet face baby girl.
You were the best companion Kady
and we thank you for the comfort and
unconditional love
you gave to us so freely.
We will miss you always Kady.
You were are and will always be Mommy’s girl.
Until someday we meet again at
“The Rainbow Bridge”………


Love Always,
22, July 2002
Roberta & John