Mackenzie {Mac} Palmer by Palmer / Your Cousin Jackie

Dear Mackenzie,

I found out last night that you were put to rest on wed night. I’m glad your not suffering anymore, and that you had such a long happy life. I will never forget all the times you came to Park Ave and I’d get so excited cause “Mac was here”. How I’d run into the pantry to get you cookies and make sure Grandfather didn’t see me giving you the whole box. Or how Lindsay and Jill would bring you in the house with your bandanna on after a nice day at the groomers and you’d try and find Boots, or the time Lindsay tossed ya at Boots and she ran and ran, that was so funny. Or when I’d walk into your house and you’d always come over to greet me, and then we’d sit on the couch near the window barking at everyone that went by. I know that your safe up there because my boy Apache is watching over you.

He’s been there since July 15 and I’m sure he knows where all the cookies are by now. You’re with him, Shelly, Poco, Seiben, Rosie and all your other doggie friends that have passed on. So guard the gates until we all meet again.

I’m sad that I didn’t get to say goodbye to you but I will always think of you when I go down to see your family and think of you wearing those reindeer antlers at christmas time… I’ll make sure Ed is taking care of too, but you don’t have to worry cause Aunt Roberta, Uncle Bill, Jill, Lindsay and Beth will never forget about you.

You are their boy, always and forever. and you’ll always have a special place in my heart…. I’m glad you are all together up there for Christmas, so don’t forget about us and watch over us… have fun in the snow with Apache, I know how you both loved it,just watch out for the snow plows if they’re up there!


Loved and Very Missed,
Mackenzie {Mac} Palmer
10, Dec 2003