Candy by Jeanne / Jeanne

Oh my sweet little punky, my heart is breaking. I am so sorry for what I had to do to you, to let you go…
You were so very sick, it just broke my heart to see you so sad.It wasn’t like you to be that way.
I miss not seeing you in your bed,or running down the hallway looking for me, hearing your sniffing at the door when I am on the other side of it.
I miss not having you trying to jump up on my leg, because you want to be by me, your big brown eyes watching every move I make. I just miss you Candy. I miss you so very much.
I pray to God that you are ok, and that Snickers was waiting for you at the bridge, I asked her to be there,waiting for you.
Please be brave my baby. I WILL see you again, someday. Please wait there for me, with mommy.
Until that day my sweetheart, you will ALWAYS be in my heart, and NO ONE can ever take that part of you away.
I love you Candy, with all of my heart….


Forever loving you,
17, Dec 2003