Tasha by Kristy / Kristy

My Tasha…

I still can’t believe you are not here. You were such a sweet, loving dog. We grew up together, and I can’t remember a time when you weren’t in my life.

I will never forget going to pick you up from the breeder in June of 1989. I was little like you, only 9 years old and I was so excited to be getting a puppy! I remember holding you and your paws were all muddy from playing outside. The first night with us, you slept in my parent’s room, and unrolled a whole roll of toilet paper in the bathroom!
You were so precious.

I am so happy I got 15 years with you! I miss all the little adorable things you would do: carry socks in your mouth when you wanted attention, the way you loved unwrapping gifts and then shredding the paper up, the way you lifted your right paw when you wanted pets, when you’d groan and wag your tail at me when you wanted to go outside, I could go on and on. I never dreamed I could love you as much as I did, and still do. You will always be special to me since you were my first pet.

I never could imagine when the day would come that I would have to say goodbye to you. We always said you had nine lives since you just seemed to stay so healthy and youthful, up until only a couple weeks before you went to Heaven. The kidney failure hit you so fast that in a way, it was a blessing because you did not suffer for long. Still, it was so hard the last few days caring for you, just knowing the end was near. I will never forget our last late night walk together the night before you passed. There was a full moon and you seemed to want to walk everywhere as if you knew it was your last walk. I kept your collar and food dish, and am working on a scrap book of all the many pictures I took of you over the years. I will never forget you Tasha, and I miss you so much.


My love always until I am with you again,
6, May 2004