Annie by Ed & Kelly / Mommy and Daddy

Oh, Honey,

You fought so long and so bravely.
I still can’t grasp that you’re gone.

You first wandered onto the company lot in 1994. Now it seems so long ago. Even then you had so many strikes against you. However, you were friendly, and after Jan and I lured you inside with a can of sardines, you immediately became the “Office Cat.”

But it didn’t take long before you suffered a miscarriage. I took you to the vet and she took an x-ray to make sure there were no more babies. There weren’t. But she did find a BB-bullet lodged in your leg.
She also discovered a congenital heart defect.

Within days you’d contracted a severe infection. You almost didn’t make it. But Honey, you were always a fighter and you fought your way through, as you did time and time again.

In 2001, Dr. Florian removed a cancerous lump. He informed me that it was a very aggressive cancer, and the survival rate was usually less than ten months.

You had no recurrence until two and a half years later. Then you had two subsequent surgeries.
But time was running out.

Oh, Honey,
How I miss your company in this miserable office. Everywhere I look I keep expecting you to meow. Please forgive me those times I yelled when you jumped on my paperwork, or wanted affection when the job was most hectic. Please forgive me for those times I could have been there and I wasn’t.

When you went into heart failure, the fluid built around your heart and lungs. For a couple of days
we were expecting another miracle —

But when it became apparent it was not to be, we let you go. We could have let you “linger” a few more days, but by Monday you’d stopped eating, and you
were fighting for every breath.

We took you Thursday, and unlike Natasha or Samantha, you were alert the entire time, staring out the car window and listening to the birds. In one sense this made it harder. I fled after the sedation, but Daddy stayed with you and
saw it through to the end.

But Honey, you well know, our love for you will never end. So goodnight, sweetheart. We’ll see you at the Bridge.


Our Love to you Forever,
21, Apr 2005
Ed & Kelly