Mike by Peggy / With love…your human, Peggy

My faithful pal, friend, and stately, strong dog Mike, passed away about an hour ago. It wasn’t an easy death and lasted far longer than I think it should have. In my opinion, it should have been easy and peaceful just because of how good Mike was to me and my family.

I do believe that animals that are in our family are far underrated. My main memories of Mike are that of strength and support, and of a doggie smile. When my dad passed away unexpectedly, I remember going to the park by our home with Mike. I sat on the grass and began crying. Mike sat in front of me with his face facing away from mine; he was on guard, protecting me and watching out for me. I literally leaned my head on Mike’s shoulder and cried. What a friend. He never once was unfaithful to me although he’d play his little ‘chase me’ game
every time he got out of the house.

I feel as if I owe him. No one in my life has been more loving than him…really, no joke!!! I could talk to him…I KNEW he’d be there at the door to greet me with a smile..
(yes, I could see him smiling!)

Right now the only thing that I can do to relieve the pain that I feel is write about him. I’ll never see him again. It makes me sick at my stomach this loss….I want words but they always seem to miss the mark of what my heart wants to say about him. There’s an emptiness in this house right now. As he was so old, he would breath so loudly..it would annoy me because I couldn’t hear the tv…now I’ll miss it. There will be this sick, loud silence even as the tv blasts out it’s useless dialog and noise. No more heavy breathing, and to think I found it annoying..why the damn regrets huh?

Some think animals are just animals. Like those people who seem angry that some of us want to save baby wales while human babies die. They don’t have a clue. My little Mikey was more loving than any human I’ve ever met. So, with that I’ll close. This is just a little memorial to that friend of mine who died this morning. He was with me for 15 years…and I loved him; he loved me —and my world has a huge hole in it …..

Here’s to you Mike!!! You were the best guy I’ve ever had!!!Rest in peace


You were always strong,
22, May 2005