When we got you,at the age of 8 weeks, you took to Ginger, a beagle we had at the time. You spent your life life never realizing you were a cat, for many years you two were inseparable. And boy, could you talk! You were the most vocal cat we ever had. You were always sickly but determined to fight it. You had allergies and respiratory problems. It never seemed to bother you, but it took years off our lives!! By the time you were 2 years old you’d been through all of your nine lives and then some. Our vet told us you’d never live to see 4 years old. Well, with your spunk, our love and a combination of medications; we proved that wrong. You did so well for 14 years and eventually actually outgrew the allergies.
Unfortunately in your last few months you developed diabetes. You still fought like a tiger and we did all we could. You were insulin resistant and we just couldn’t get it under control. You never quit fighting but we couldn’t watch you suffer. From the day we got you, you never gave up on anything, your will to live was so strong–we loved you and admired you, and we weren’t going
to let you lose your dignity.
We’ll never forget the day you crossed the Bridge–we have never seen such a peaceful look as the one you had and we know we did the right thing. You are healthy again and don’t have to fight anymore. Be happy, you are with your beloved Ginger again. Until we meet again——–
Love Forever And Always,
Jeep |
2, June 2004 |
Helen Malinauskas & Joe Bielinski |