Mama Gerpe by Angelique Gerpe / Angelique


how do I even begin, no words can ever describe the way I love you and miss you. I’ll never forget the way I found you that Sunday, you were in front of the house underneath a car; it’s like you were waiting for me .. You had the biggest gumball eyes, your nose was cute as a button and your fur was white and soft like cotton..You were as brave as a knight and it’s like you knew I was your destiny; you were just hopping around and were so relaxed…

I miss your big ears twisting every time you would hear a noise. I miss your soft warm fur against my skin! You were such a little sugar pea when I got you and you grew into my big girly girl..even though you couldn’t talk, I still felt and knew everything you were thinking and feeling…I always felt so connected to you, my big girl…I miss every little thing about you and thank God for being blessed with you in my life…We have sooo many wonderful memories together..You gave me so much joy, love and happiness! I still feel you with me and I got all the signs you showed me. Thank you cupcake.. Mama, I just want you to know that I did everything I could; you know I would of did anyyythingggg to have you here with me longer.

I had so much pain in my heart to see what was happening to you and it broke my heart when you left, but I know it was your time..I suffered with you that week Mama, but I know you are at peace now and you are happy in heaven …I
know you are hopping around being nosey, lol and that makes me happy that you are at peace and you feel long as you are happy and peaceful
mama, I am…I feel so much comfort when I get signs from you….You were such a smart bunny. I always said you thought you were a human being..the memories you gave me are priceless..

I still catch myself making sure the telephone wire isn’t hanging so you wont chew it, lol and when I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is go look for you. i still do that. You took a piece of me with you when you left, Mama….

You were soooo cuuuuuteee and beautiful. I looooved your little nose; the way it never stopped moving up and down oooo and those cute long whiskers of yours..and those pretty eyelashes. I was under your spell. What bunny jumps on the bed to wake you up, you would lick and nudge my face in the morning if I didn’t get up early enough for you, lol. You loved sleeping on the bed with me. I really miss that…and when I opened the fridge, you would come running and grunting for your pellies,lol.

The nights are the hardest because I miss us cuddling and sleeping together…I miss all the silly things you use to do! You weren’t just a bunny, you were my baby! and I miss you deeply…We were each others destiny ….I know
you use to love when I would sing to you; you would fall into a trance, lol! I am forever grateful for you and the love you stamped on my
heart…you are my little fury angel….

There’s not a spot you didn’t chew, the kitchen chairs, the walls , the doors, some sandals, sneakers, bags, etc, but I would always smile; you blessed the whole house, lol. you were the princess of the house and I let you do anything that made you happy!

When you were in the hospital, I made sure you had your blanket and your toy keys…You loved throwing those keys…and boy did you love your
blankets. I must of brought you a thousand blankets….It absolutely killed me that week when you were in the hospital. I wanted you to come hommmeee sooo bad, but you had such a high fever and needed fluids; they did everything to try to make you better, Mama…All I want is for you to know i did everything I possibly could for you; I would have did anything in this world to have you here with me forever, but I know it was your time. I know you must feel so good now Mama and you are safe where you are and at peace my love..You were the best bunny, no other animal could have gave me the satisfaction you did…

The house is so empty without you my little sugar pea and it’s so weird not seeing your bowls on the floor. you are forever engraved in my mind, heart and soul! Mama, the things you did,
I would need pages and pages to write everything down!! You use to love watching tv with me, and when you use to jump on the kitchen chairs and hop
from one chair to the next because you smelled coffee in the morning, everything you did melted my heart.. You were my little love bunny.

You loved to be loved…You would grind your teeth when I kissed your sweet head..You loved to be petted and I loveed to pet you and shower you with
kisses! I know you are save where you are and that brings me alot of comfort! All I want is for you to be happy; that’s all I want. Mama, I will love and miss you for the rest of my life! And I know no matter where we are we are always connected. and I know when it is my time you will be there at the light waiting for me and we
will be together again!!…

“You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when sky’s are gray, you’ll never know how much I love you, unless you take my sunshine away”. I love you mama. Love your mama, Angelique


"To know my bunny was to love her""
Mama Gerpe
6, Sep 2006
Angelique Gerpe