Baby by Dale & Debra Bauer / Mom, Dad, Justin, Mikey, Alex and Sarah Jo

You were my mothers day gift to myself, we met that day we took you home and you never left,
always faithful until the end.

I remember chasing you with the van when you decided to take a short run of the neighborhood, then one day you stopped running and never left our yard.

You amazed on lookers the way you sat on our corner without a leash or fence and just looked as other
animals and people walked by.

You never let the kids stray from the yard without barking at them when they did, so I always knew
you were watching them.

Swimming with the kids at grandpas lake in the summers.

You were a wonderful friend to all of us and
we miss you everyday.

You will always be my “baby”.


Love always,
1, Sep 2007
Dale & Debra Bauer