Nickademus by Cindy Thurmer / Love,


You Were my Friend My Brother and My Strong Warrior and alway’s will be. I remember everything about you and I will never forget.

I begged you not to go as I sat
in the sment on old straw hay;
I told you I’d do more for you
if you’d only stay.
My tears fell to your shiny black fur,
Friends I barely knew feeling my pain.
The adventures we took all good and bad,
Looking back now at the times you made me mad,
I can’t help but laugh because that was you,
I did not need to tell you sorry cos
you already knew,
You gave me courage, strength and happiness,
Even though people sore
the way we worked and thought “Sloppiness”,
We still did what we loved together,
And made it work for us which I thought was going to be forever.
I don’t blame you for leaving me here,
I wish you could have told me,
I would have lent an ear.
As I sat and stared into your big brown eyes,
I could see you saying
I give up please stop
I can’t stand your cries.
Your beautiful body spread out on the ground,
the time it took trying to get you
to put on the pounds.
The straw all stirred up around
where your body laid,
It looked almost like it was
where you and kassy played.
Kassy…She misses you just as much as me,
She has gone through a rough time as you can probley see.
I felt my body getting colder.
I no longer could feel the pain in my feet;
I now knew the fate you would meet.
I can’t describe the pain,
I gave you a note and Valentine early on Monday
As my tears fell into your shiny black fur.
My hands were numb they felt cold and wet,
My heart skipped a beat,
I watch the video’s of you and I playing,
We even got on camera you and Evet running.
You look so graceful but dopy at the same time,
I’m so glad I can look back and
say you were mine.
Sitting next to you as you left your body behind,
Watching your big brown eyes,
they usually look so kind.
Not then, all I could see
was surrender and fear,
and that’s when it became clear.
You were leaving, never coming back;
All I have is the memories
of your eyes beatiful and brown,
Your body, your smile, your walk, your wag.
I could not take any more; tears fell
from my eyes, why does it have
to be this way,
I Flopped onto your shiny black fur.
I wrapped my arms around you and
wished away your pain.
Your once warm body went cold
under my arms, hands and cheek.
As I felt your body and muscles go weak.
Time seemed to stand still
as I lay with my arms around your neck,
slowly his breathing faded away;
I should have known something was wrong
I had a bad feeling all day.
His eyes slowly glazed over and
all feeling left his eyes,
I wondered if this was a dream
if it were all lies.
But I know its true because
your collar on my desk
Just yesterday I came to see you,
you smiled and waged your tail…
If I only knew.
That’s not how I want it to end!
Atleast I got to say one last goodbye.
Although it made me cry,
Atleast I got to hold you while you died.

I will always love you Nick. I remember all are adventures and talks they were so fun. You were smart charming and handsome and you were so wise and loving. You were loved by us and it showed you were always smiling. I wrote a song for you its called : “Can We Go Back In Time” A-L-N means Always Love Nickademus. Sang-Rang-Hyeo means I love You. I will see you again somday untill then God will take care of you. Nick you and Leah can hangout know. I love you Nick me and Kass miss you as everyone else. I hold your memory your pictures in my mind and you left a mark on my heat. I Love You Nickademus!!


Cindy, Kassy, My mom,J ulie, Renne, Tiger ,
Donna Kay and more
10, Feb 2009
Cindy Thurmer