Lulu Moran by Helen / mum & pashy

My little buddy is gone, I feel so alone and heartbroken, the patter of her feet as she followed my every move is now so silent. No little snout peaking around the corner looking for me. Waking without her rolling over on her back in bed beside me for her morning belly rubs is a cold and empty way to start the day. Her little tail which sometimes mimicked a helicopter blade, is no longer spinning and I am craving the smell of her paws and looking into her loyal and loving eyes. My little shadow has gone. Pashy and I have just got back from our first walk without her; we took her purple lead with us and wished she was bouncing along beside us.

Every day I have had with her for the last nine years has been such a blessing and particularly since her operation in November. Thursday when I got home, we all went for a walk and she was normal, happy and bouncy little Lulu. We came home and had some dinner and the 3 of us jumped into bed to watch some telly. Later that night she was not quite herself and Friday we spent at the vet as her little kidneys were failing. I bought her home Friday afternoon on a drip and pain killers, my caring cousin and her wonderful partner who is a vet, came that evening to help her go to sleep. I held my beautiful little angel in my arms as she finally left and went off to heaven.

I am a better person for having had my little Lulu in my life and I hope that she bought some happiness to you also. I have heard that when you die and go to heaven, all your pets come running to you. I look forward to that day as I know my little Lulu will be the first to greet me. She will be sadly missed


RIP my little baby,
Lulu Moran
12, June 2009