Jubilee (“Jube””)” by Lori Cool Cuskelly / Lori and Guy

To my sweet girl, Jubilee! I missed you being born by 30 minutes all those years ago, but kept you with me your entire life – almost 24 years! We had so many wonderful rides and times together. Thank you so much for hauling me all around the mountains! You were a high-strung girl in the earlier days, but you mellowed out so nicely the last few years. I’m so thankful that I was able to carry out what I’ve said all along – “I brought you into this world, I want to be the one to see you out of it.” And I was. I hope you know I was by your side until the end, and for quite a while thereafter. It won’t be the same looking outside and not seeing you standing there and whinney at me when it’s feeding time! As I will do with Sunny, when I get to the top of all hills I climb or ride to, they will be in your honor and I will always do a “cheers” to you and Sunny! May this find you at peace, with Sunny, running wild, free and happy.


I love you, Jube!
Jubilee ("Jube"")"
2, Mar 2010
Lori Cool Cuskelly