♥Dixie♥ by John and Bekye Eckert / John, Bekye, Abby, Bambi and all your special friends

Just one month short of nine years ago, Robin Pressnall of Small Paws Rescue went to a puppy mill to rescue some Bichons. In among the cages was an 11-year-old Shih Tzu they would “throw in fer free” … so Robin brought the frightened, unsocialized little girl out
of that life and into mine.

Bitsy, renamed Dixie, was such a gift! She was beautiful, bright and smart, with a tremendous amount of spunk. Kind human touch was not in her experience and she wasn’t sure she liked people anyway, but she quickly learned that hands often held treats and treats were worth touching human hands. She loved other dogs and bonded quickly, choosing the shyest, most frightened ones to befriend first.

I wanted so much for Dixie, but she wanted to be left alone. I wanted her to learn the joy of belly rubs, morning snuggle time, and how awesome life is when spent in a loving lap. Dixie wanted none of this, and the harder I tried to reach her, the more she resisted.

Dixie taught me so much about what it means to truly love someone for who they are, not who we want them to be. While I tired so hard to give her everything I thought she should want, I missed her fiercely wagging tail, her happy romps in the yard, her voracious appetite, her enduring friendships with the other dogs. While she never achieved the level of comfort with people that I wanted her to have, she was, in her own way, an incredibly happy little dog.

Because of Dixie, I learned to keep my own expectations in check, and to be more sensitive to others’ individual comfort levels rather than imposing my own. Many little train wrecks … and quite a few of my human friends … have benefited from the lessons I learned during my wonderful (nearly) nine years with this amazing little soul.

Thank you, Dixie, for sharing the wisdom that was you, and gracing my life with your presence. I wish we could have had longer together and, selfishly, I wish I could have just once held you in my lap without you poised
for the quickest escape.

But I will always love you, just the way you are.


All our love,
19, June 2012
John and Bekye Eckert