Denver by Barbara Mays / Mommy, Dad, Stevie, Eric, Sophie and Bandit

Our Beloved Denver “Big Guy”,

Thank you for teaching us the true meaning of what love was always meant to be. You were a beautiful dog with a beautiful soul that will live on forever. You are now back again with Dreyfuss and Buddy where all of you can run and play without ever hurting again. People would always tell us how impressed they were because you were so well behaved and obedient. You would happily help us foster and care for other dogs less fortunate. It is true, that “If only love could have saved you, you would have lived forever”. You will never leave our hearts until we can all be together again. You were such a sweet and adoring dog. Our most beautiful Denver, you will be my precious baby forever. Please watch for us at the rainbow bridge, for we won’t cross without you!


Love you always,
15, June 2013
Barbara Mays