Duchess by Dorann


" Duchess "

March 19 1981 --------- April 16 1996


A Tribute to Duchess


 The day we met I had no clue,

that I would be going home with you.

He let you off your short old chain,

you looked at me and over you came.

I kneeled right down you came to see

just who this strange young woman might be.


Your eyes looked deeply into my soul,

at that very moment my heart you stole.

You took your nose and lifted my arm

you wanted some petting you had such charm.

I made the deal and home I ran

to get the cash for my Doberman.


Dobermans' they said a ferocious breed,

thank goodness dear Duchess you did not read.

A kinder dog with the biggest heart,

always so good and so very smart.

You thought your job was to take care of me,

but you dear love became my world you see.


Just being with you was such a pleasure,

every moment with you I always will treasure.

I almost lost you when you got so ill,

but you toughed it out with your iron will.

Six weeks we worked to get you healthy,

we made our vet so very wealthy.


There is no price for one so rare,

just for the pleasure of stroking your hair.

An inseparable pair our bond was deep,

so at the hospital your cage I did sleep.

Every night they let you come home,

IV and all for I would not leave you alone.


On borrowed time they always would say,

life is always like that we cherish each day.

We showed them all that never say never,

even though we knew it wouldn't be forever.

One day I saw that there had been a change,

that lipoma you had was looking so strange.


Once more to the vet just to see

he nodded his head and did the biopsy.

For the first time Dutch I had a strange feeling

and after the Doctor called my head was reeling.

Inoperable untreatable malignant he said

I hung up the phone and I felt such dread.


Its never enough fifteen years is so short

it seems only yesterday you'd bark and cavort.

I promised you love that on that inevitable day

that I would help you go in the easiest way.

The doctor came here so home you would be,

and I told you to go and sleep peacefully.


Now you are gone the house is so bare,

I look at your photos and see how you stare.

They say the eyes you know are your souls mirror

I've never seen goodness or kindness shown any clearer.

The day will come when you are back with me,

for without you my love no heaven could be.



My beloved friend


March 19 1981-April 16 1996

Dorann LaPerch



