Chrissy by Bonnie



June 21 1986 ----- May 16 2000

Long Hair Chihuahua

"An Angel On My Shoulder"


There's an angel on my shoulder for all the world to see,

That once there was a Chihuahua named Chrissy and she loved me.

You see this little angel is a doggy with a halo above it's head.

It was given by the person that cremated her after she was dead.


She was my family's heavenly gift sent to show us what love is worth.

This little angel is a reminder of the time she share here with us on earth.

Chrissy had to struggle for that last year here on earth to stay

Then an angel came and took her there was nothing we could do or say.


We are better people Chrissy taught us so very much

I'd like for you to know the family this little furry person made of us……..

Chrissy taught us sharing after almost 14 years there was never any doubt.

She came first pulling us together as a family isn't that what life's about.


Caring meant to Chrissy needing not to know what's wrong just lick the tears away

And in doing this her sunshine would suddenly brightened any gloomy day.

But this family's greatest treasure was Chrissy's unconditional love.

This was her special gift to us like that from God above.


Given to us freely from her tiny little heart asking nothing in return

But the loss of little Chrissy has been the hardest thing this family's had to learn

Even through the pain of losing you there will never be regrets

Dear Chrissy with all the love we shared no one left behind ever forgets.


And though we've cried a million tears in our lives you'll always be an important part

Because you left behind such precious memories you still live within each heart,

Because of this little seven pounds of fur and the lessons that we learned,

We are better people and hope life eternal with her we have somehow earned.


Wait for me my love for some day that time will come,

When you and I are together once again we will be one.

So I say a prayer to God above that Chrissy was once here with us

And thank Him for the years we had this little life His gift that meant so much.










