Tootsieroll by Bart & Veronica

I lost my tootsieroll today.
I wake up and there she lies next to Bg & I
Just minutes gone still warm
I kiss her neck in dis-belief……..
NO! I don’t want her gone!
But no heartbeat in her little body
I have no choice she left.
No more unconditional love
No more pure sweetness for her to share…..
Just memories now for me to bear.
Please Lord comfort me
I can’t see what it is you want from me.
You are ultimately in control of this
and ALL things……
help for me to see see more clearly.
Help make it easier day by day cause’
I just could’nt go on this way.
The feelings the hurt
THE LOVE never before to feel….
Feel for an animal until this
sweet 2 pound baby
that I feel will be very hard to live without.
She was soo special so unique….
No one will know I can’t even write the words
I can’t even scratch the surface of this so deep.
Tootsieroll I love you yes I do-
They all thought I was nuts for being
crazy about you.
But we shared something my heart & soul
could NEVER replace my baby….
My “EE pie” my “tootie roll”
My two pound special sweetheart.
I love you.
Thank you for the gift of you!

~Love Mommy


2, June 2000
Bart & Veronica