Mila by Jodi

~Sleep Little Mila~
Little girl so tiny and new
Sleep well and dream is all you will do
When you reach that gate with God standing near
YouÆll know youÆre in heaven you have no need to fear.

You will grow strong and healthy in that garden so sweet.
Play chase and run with all the kittens you meet.
Your eyes will always be open youÆll romp and youÆll play
Chase squirrels and chipmunks and kittens today.

Your life was so short adn now you must go
To a place filled with sunshine meadows and streams that flow
We all will miss you your brother will too
One last little kiss upon your cheek and IÆll send you into the blue.

Rest now little Mila you are in GodÆs care.
May you grow and play and enjoy life there.
Your short life was taken and you heard the call.
You will be missed and loved by family and all.
Sleep well jellybean.

Mila thank you for blessing my life even for such a short time. I’ll never forget you or any moment of your life. You were my angel from the beginning and always my little jellybean. I love you and I always will. Take care and I can’t wait to see you again.

Love always



29, September 2000