Raisinette by Breezi

Soft gray fur and big black eyes
Whiskers so long they could touch the sky.
Sleep all day and play all night
You loved your red blankie (it kept out the light).

On your wheel or in your ball
Jumping so high I was afraid you’d fall.
Dart around from here to there
We never could catch you & you didn’t care!

Playing with Lilly you had no fear
When you were taken you wern’t even a year!
I cried and cried then cried some more.
I can’t stand to look out our back door.

The little cross makes me cry
I didn’t even get to say goodbye.
I don’t even know what went wrong
Was it something I did? Was I away to long?

I pray that you felt no pain
When you left me that day in the rain.
I had a breakdown at the store
I couldn’t look at the other chinchillas without crying some more.

There is a new baby in your cage
But I’ll never forget the memories we’ve made.
Pictures of you up on the wall
I’ll never forget my baby doll.



12, Feb 2001