Cricket by Jo-Ann

Forever There

Hi Boo it’s me.
Just want you to know
How much I miss you so.
I think of you everyday.
Remember the things
We used to do.
Well I still walk
The same forest paths
And only I can see
You watching me
While you play in the trees
And only I can see
The ripples in the water
As you run through the brooks
And only I can hear
Your barks in the wind
And when I call.
Only I can see
The bending of the grass
As you run to me
And at night
I look to the heavens
And you are the brightest star
Watching over me.
Boo you were my best friend.
My companion when
I was sad
And lonely
And we both knew
What that was like.
My protector when needed
My everything
If only people
Could learn to love
As deeply as you did
When you died
My heart was broken
And I promise you Boo
We will meet again
At the Rainbow Bridge
And when I see you
Waiting there
Then and only then
Will this broken heart mend
Missing you
So deeply my friend
Your partner in life.
Forever there



4, Nov 2000
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