Jack by Jeff and Kathy / Jeff and Kathy

To the best friend I ever had…………my dog Jack

You showed me your love to the very end
My heart is broken and now has to mend
I don’t know why God makes it this way
But I hope to see you again someday
You died in my arms and I’m never been so sad
Why do things have to hurt do bad
I would die for you and take your place
If I could just caress your wet nose and cute little face
Walks in the woods and runs in the sands
Now your love is in Gods hands
I can’t wait to see you again
I’ll never forget you as you were my best friend,

Take care and may God bless you forever…….
You’re in that special place in my heart!!!!!!

You’re free now- fly to the angels…….Seagull


2, Aug 2002
Jeff and Kathy