Traveller by Becky Fragasse / Love,



You are gone, but not forgotten. . .
Never too far away
To remember you at play,
And knowing you are “there”,
To talk to you in prayer.

The six years we shared together
Kept you near my heart;
And now that we’re apart,
There lingers a terrible ache
That causes it to break.

You were a special breed, all to yourself. . .
And to gaze into your gorgeous green eyes
Was to see how wise
You were really were
To me, the longest. . .but first, to her.

I called you Traveller. . .
Though you never liked to leave our home–
And were content to be alone;
And wait for my arriving walk,
So you could purr, and fetch, and talk!

You proudly wore a soft, brown coat. . .
And feeling it warm, against my skin,
Made me stroke you once again,
And for you, it was a great delight
To snuggle by me—every night!

There was no feeling in the world
Like your paw that reached to hold my arm,
As you felt secure, and far from harm. . .
I was all yours….and you were mine,
And love was a boomerang–feline!

You lived out fully all nine lives. . .
As I watched you slowly draw each breath,
And know you didn’t want to leave—
In every way, you defied your death,
And lived on love to let you breathe.

You helped me leave a sad old world. . .
Filled with fear and long, sick years
To move on up, above the tears
And share with Trece, a new view,
Ever close to Daddy, holding you!

by Becky Fragasse


You were the purrfect catmate!
26, Jan 2004
Becky Fragasse