Buddah by Lisa Marie / Lisa Marie

Ode To An Unconditional friend

My beautiful Buddah,
It’s time to say goodbye,
You would want me to be happy,
And for you I shall try.

But it’s so hard not having you around,
With your snortings, and funny sound,
You were always there for me,
When no one else could,
Just as a best friend like you would.

Your beautiful heart and love for me,
Was returned my sweet friend,
Even though you have been set free,
I’ll never forget the years that we shared,
I’ll never forget all those times you cared,
You knew when I needed you,
You felt it in your heart,
You’ll always be with me my buddy woods,
Even though we are apart.

Now that you have crossed the rainbow bridge,
You can see all the colours,
With your two beautiful eyes,
So no more sadness,
No more cries,
Just remember my friend


Eternally your friend,
13, May 2004
Lisa Marie