Aiwa by Rivkin Family / OLGA

It’s hard losing a dog you love. I would know since I just lost my dog Aiwa. My family and I have had her for 10 years and I grew up with her by my side. All it took was one night and she was gone. I cry thinking that I will never see her again. Looking at her pictures has become the hardest thing to do. When it first happened I didn’t know what to do except blame god, and I did. I felt like 10 years wasn’t nearly enough and I was mad that god didn’t wait longer before taking her. Then I remembered the times when god could have taken her way before he did. She got sick and had to have surgery a couple of times and I’m just thankful that he didn’t take her then. I miss my baby girl so much.

I wish I could tell her that I miss her so much and that I love her with all my heart. We all do dad, mom, grandma, and especially me. Before she died she was sick and old and just couldn’t take it. I feel so guilty knowing that I could have given her so much more attention during our last week together. I remember thinking that I would wait after she wasn’t sick anymore and then I would play with her and do everything I did when she wasn’t sick. I was wrong to wait, I never got that chance. For all you who have a chance don’t ever wait for that special four-legged friend
of yours to get better.

When they get sick give them all your love even if it’s a simple little cold, which is what took my baby away.A little message to Aiwa… Aiwa I love you so much I’m so sorry I didn’t spend that much time with you before you left us. But think of all the time that I always told you that I loved you and played with and just patted your head. Dad misses you a lot and so do mom and everyone else. We all miss you and love you and will never ever forget you.


Sweetest kisses and hugs to you,
10, Oct 2004
Rivkin Family