Pinky by Christie Creager / Mom, Mamaw and Sissy

Pictured here with my sweet baby boy
He makes three I gave my family
that filled their lives with joy.

The first few years were pretty rough for me.
Alone in a small barn,
no love did I really see.

Then Mommy, Mamaw and Sissy bought me home to stay.
Where with Bob, twice, did “play”.

First came, Lily and then BJ
I didn’t want to be a mom
so they went inside with Mommy that day.

A few months later
a bouncing baby boy
Being a mom, this time,
I chose to enjoy

He truly was a gift from above
As with each day,
I saw him with my human family,
I learned to show love.

The years went by, the winters were cold
Eleven years doesn’t really seem that old.

Then one day I started to slow down
To Mommy’s face came a sad little frown.

Comfortable they made me, Mommy, Sissy and Mamaw
How much they really loved me, I finally saw.

Then in the morning,
Mommy approached and knew
As I laid, moans getting softer,
the minutes were few.

She told me how much they loved me,
how proud they were of me.
How they would take care of Spunky, the girls,
and how much happier I would soon be.

Mommy had prayed that God
took me in my sleep
Why God, Why she did weep.

Then soon after I passed away
She realized what God’s plan was that day.

Mommy would’ve been more sad
knowing I died alone, you see.
That is why by my side, as I crossed the bridge,
he allowed her to be.


With all our love, until we see you again!
11, Oct 2005
Christie Creager