MAX by Belsanti / Daddy, Mommy, Mikey & Emily

We lost a special friend today
the kind you can’t replace,
and looking at his empty bed
we can still see his face.

We see the endless energy
the sparkling puppy eyes,
not the tired, fragile friend
we had to bid goodbye.

We remember how he’d run to us
to play his favorite puppy game,
and how his ears would perk right up
when he heard us call his name.

But as those precious years went by
and we aged and grew,
we’d find him often slowing down
but we still had so much to do.

Our Max was a special dog
we know he gave his best,
but as we looked deep into his eyes
we knew it was time for him to rest.

It will truly be a struggle
we don’t know how we’ll face each day,
we have to let him go–we know
but in our hearts he’ll always stay.

This special place our Lord has made
health and strength wait for him there,
so with my very special friend
we’re sending all our prayers.

We know he’s watching over us
he’ll be with us when we cry,
so with one more kiss on his beloved head
we told our Fat Man goodbye.


You will forever be in our hearts.
2, Mar 2006