Buddy by Krista and Anthony / I miss you my beautiful boy.

We knew your time here with us

Would indeed be brief.

But we still did not expect it

We are so filled with grief.

You loved to run in your wheel

And roll in your ball.

It always made us laugh a lot

To see you ram a wall.

Sleeping and eating

Were the main things you did.

But to make it a little more fun

Your food we always hid.

You were the coolest hamster

From near and from far.

When you rode around in

Your stylin’ yellow car.

We had so much fun with you.

Chasing you ’round the bed.

We so miss that now,

Our Buddy Pumpkin Head.

We wish we could have spent more time

With you at the end.

It is our main regret you know,

Our dearest little friend.

Although we do not want to

We have to say good-bye.

And let you go with blessings

To that big wheel in the sky.

We will never forget you.

And we’ll miss you everyday

Until we meet again, dear Bud,

Be happy and go play.


Written for you Buddy with love from Mommy
26, Mar 2006
Krista and Anthony