Cali by Butch, Wendy, Becky & Mandy Scism / Mommy ,Daddy, Becky, Mandy, Grandma,&Grandpa

I asked myself the other day
Where did the past fifteen years go?

Seems like only yesterday
you turned our house
into a home.

The joy that you had brought us
was there to greet us every day,
as were the snuggles and the kisses
that you gladly gave away!

I asked myself the other day
Where did the past fifteen years go?

For us they went to quickly,
for you they started to show.

Seems like overnight you went
from young and healthy,
to something isn’t right.

I asked myself the other day
Where did the past fifteen years go?

Right know my Precious Cali –
I honestly don’t know!


Your Loving Family,
7, Aug 2006
Butch, Wendy, Becky & Mandy Scism