Yumi by Jennifer / Your mommy

How can anybody possibly understand the love between a man and his dog. A bond shared like no other, the pure selfless love a dog can bring into your world of chaos, struggle…..a being so flawless he is incapable of sin, a being better than us, acting on the kind of instinct we could never understand, senses so keen there seems no limit, leaving us in awe the ingenious construction of the dog, understanding more our own shortcomings. How can anybody possibly understand the grief a man goes through with the loss of his dog. A pain so real you feel a loss in your soul, a loss of something so tender and good, a loss so intense there seems no end to your suffering. A friend this loyal, this devoted, this perfect, above and beyond what any man can provide. My heart is breaking and I see no end in sight.


For my darling girl, my Yumi,
3, Jan 2007