“The Dream”.
You came to me in a dream last night;
You smiled and said “Mom, I’m alright.
Stop crying for me, I want you to heal;
I’m safe here with God; No pain do I feel;
I love you and miss you the way you do me;
but Here there’s no sorrow;
just wait you will see.
Take care of yourself, you need to get sleep;
You body’s exhausted from nights when you weep.
My life there with you was so happy and great;
For you are my Mom, my life and soulmate.
Our love is eternal, we’ll never forget;
Our adventures in Life, we have no regrets;
But now I must go, I’ll be back in a while;
Remember I love you so give me a smile.”
Then I woke up, there were tears on my face;
I whispered “Dear Nike, please save me a place.
Promise to get me when my time has passed;
And forever we’ll be together at last.”
Rest in Peace, Dear Sweet Nike.
Nike |
20, Jan 2008 |
Denise Amaral |