GypsyRose by Darlene Kerr / In memory of Kerhaven Sunnybank Silhouette HIC, CGN, ROM from your best friend, your MOM Darlene


Lie down old girl, try not to move,
Gypsy you have to rest.

Obediently she did as told,
she always tried her best.

But the pain was so bad,
it made her rise, against her loved one’s will.

Back and forth she continued to limp,
she just could not lie still.

More pills the mistress gave to her
in an effort to stop the pain.

Tears streaming down her face she held her,
and softly spoke her name.

Finally, by 4 am, the pain began to subside.

Gypsy lay upon the couch, her mistress at her side.

Seven hours, they had fought this pain,
both REAL and of the heart.

But it would return the mistress knew,
the time had come to part.

As the hours ticked slowly by, til the vet clinic opened up.

The mistress thought back over the years,
to her new born Gypsy pup.

She thought of all the good times,
so many over the years.

Struggle though she did,
she could not staunch the tears.

She’s not SICK, her mind kept saying, for her age she is in perfect health.

That an accidental slip, a fall,
would rob her of the wealth..

Of years that should belong to them,
now instead has sealed her fate.

The mistress now had to send
her friend to wait near Heaven’s gate.

There was no surgery that could be done,
to eradicate the pain.

Only drugs held it at bay,
but it would return again.

Drugs which all too soon,
would cause her kidneys to be destroyed.

The mistress shook her head.
At herself, she was annoyed.

For what reason was she doing this,
this drugging of her faithful chum?

So she wouldn’t have to break her heart?
Was this fair to her special one?

If the pain returned while mistress worked, alone old Gypsy would suffer.

Until mistress came with drugs,
the old ones pain to buffer.

There are things worse then death,
well did the mistress know..

That sometimes the greatest act of love,
is found in…letting go.


Sweet GypsyRose, I will hold you in my heart, and see you in my dreams..until we meet again..I will always love you girl.
31, Dec 2007
Darlene Kerr