When I was happy or when I was sad,
to see your face just made me glad.
You cared for me what ever I went through,
you would look at me and I think you knew.
When I came home and was feeling low,
I would talk to you and you would know,
Just for being there that I loved you so.
Life without you here is just so bad, no happiness now there is only sad.
When I came home you was always at the door,
I can’t bear it now your not there no more.
you was unique and one of a kind,
and every day you are on my mind.
I miss our cuddles and times together,
why is life so short and not forever.
As the days go by the pain won’t go,
and will the hurt stop I just don’t know.
I wanted more time with you it was not enough, without you here is just so tough.
I look across the bedroom at night,
and wish and wish with all my might.
That when I wake up it is all a bad dream,
but when I do I want to scream,
dear god not chas please tell me why,
you had to let my baby die.
When I close my eyes I see your face,
and hope now your in a better place.
Free from harm and in now pain,
and waiting for me until we meet again.
Saying goodbye that day hurt me so,
I’m writing this so that you know.
Your in my heart forever more,
and I will see you again at heavens door.
Your life that day faded so fast, but the memories of you will last and last.
You was my only friend
who I will really miss,
sending you my love, hugs and a kiss.
God bless be happy until we’re together,
the life that we share then will be forever.
Love Mummy.
With love to my Chas
Chas |
2, July 2007 |
Tina Towers |