by Linda Blackburn / Linda Blackburn

Barney you came to us as a scruffy mutt
How we laughed to see you strut.
Your gangly legs, your scrawny neck,
We smiled and said oh what the heck.

We protected you and gave you love,
in return you’d push and shove,
But in the end you turned out great
bits and scraps scrounged of my plate.

Thirteen years you were with us.
And you liked your bit of fuss,
all your teddies you loved so,
then off for a walk we would go.

You were a very faithful friend
and to you our love we send.
We hope your happy and content
in pet heaven were you were sent.

We are sorry that you could not stay
But….. diabetes took you away,
Say hello to Joan and pooh
as they are sitting right by you.

So my sweetheart I must go
we love you deeply as you know.
Enjoy the sunshine from my heart.
I hate for us to be apart.

love you always my true friend
i wish the rules I could bend
to be with you would be just bliss
until then your warmth i miss

Sleep soundly my darling boy.
Linda and Dave


Linda Blackburn