
April 2000


One night as my son and I were watching television

there was a knock at the door.

A woman stood there very panicked and told us

that there was a white cat in the road just laying there.

Since we live on a very busy highway I ran to the road as

she pulled her car around so the lights would shine on it.

There I saw a cat laying very still as cars raced by.

I knew I had to do something and

I ran into the road and picked her up not knowing

what the extent of the injuries were. I thanked the woman who had stopped and

told her I would care for the cat and also would see if I could find her owner.

I brought her into my hose and wrapped her in a blanket and

fixed her a box in the basement near the furnace.

I saw no traces of injuries so

I thought if we left her alone with food and water

the next day we would see what happens. I hardly slept at all that night.

The next morning I went to the basement half afraid of what I would find.

To my shock she had eaten the food and drank the water and

had moved to my clean laundry basket. I knew then she would be ok.

I never found out where she came from but I felt she belonged

to the farmer across the road. She brought 10 years of happiness to my son

who loved her dearly as did I. She loved to chase the light

from my flashlight which delighted my son.

She was lovable as she could be with kisses rubs and purrs.

Funny thing though what we had saved from the road so many years ago

to the road she returned. Needless to say not so lucky.

Craig buried her under the willow tree

where she loved to play and watch the birds.

Our other cat Phurshkins still looks for her and cries.

Animals are not dumb…they feel loss and grief as humans do.

Pictures and memories are all we have left but we are comforted

in the knowledge we will meet up with her again and

we will show her how much we have missed her.

We were blessed.


