
Aug. 2000 —- Feb. 7th 2001


You were with us for far too short of a time.

You made us laugh and smile.

You made us feel good after days that were not so good.

I miss chasing you out the door when I got home.

I miss hearing you meow louder then any cat I have ever heard before.

1:00 am is just not the same with out it being Athena’s playtime.

Slowly the image of you that horrid day is erasing from my memory.

Instead I see you perched up on the dresser with your

crooked little ear and demanding purr.

I see you in the window sill watching for us to return and I remember

how happy you were when we did. We have two new cats now

but we have not replaced you.

Our home was just too empty and there are far too many cats

that need help for us not to have looked to adopt others.

But you are still our pet. You are still in our thoughts.

We still feel your presence in our lives.

We miss you and hope that one

day we can throw that ratty little ball to you

one more time.

You were a good cat.




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