Zak and Folly

May 24 1989 —– Oct. 13 2000 ……… June 25 1990 — Oct. 13 2000


To my Zak & Folly…

Mom & Dad got you as puppies to brighten our home and you

did that very well. You two were at my side and protected me from all

harm all the time. I never felt alone and you always made my day for me.

I miss you very much and although you are no longer with me,

I’ll always LOVE you from the bottom of my heart.

You brought me many days of laughter and happiness with your antics.

Your love was unconditional as my love for you.

You can never be replaced by another Bouvier,

because you two were very exceptional.

I Love you kids very much………and miss you terrible

but I also know that one day we will

be together again…..



Zak and Folly