Snowie by Tracy Davis / Mommy xoxo

By the Grace of God, Snowie came into my life about 2 weeks after I got married in 1996. We adopted this darling Bichon from a family who didn’t have time for him anymore. He was 5. At the time my husband worked swing shift and I wanted company during the nights, but didn’t want a watch dog. Snowie was the perfect answer to my needs.

Snowie filled my life with friendship, love, and kindness. I loved sleeping with him next to me and twirling his white curly hair. He was so warm and toasty! He was my friend.

For eleven years our family changed and grew, we had 3 children, got another dog (a Boxer), and we moved to a new state, among many other things. During all of this, Snowie was my constant buddy. He followed me everywhere I went and slept next to me in bed. He rolled with all the punches, so to speak.

Three days ago, I had to make the most horrific, heart-wrenching decision I have ever had to make. The vet believed that Snowie had a tumor in his bladder that caused his urine to be blocked. He could barely pee and I knew he was in pain because he would pant like crazy when I let him in from outside. It was breaking my heart to see him in pain so I brought him to the vet.

My husband held him the whole time while I screamed and cried in agony, as if my very own life were ending. In just a few seconds, life was gone from his tiny, fluffy body. And I could control my grief no more. I cried and kissed him goodbye on his tiny head.

I cannot believe that my very 1st dog of my own was gone and I would never hold him again. I will never get over the anguish I feel right now. My heart aches for my loss and I cannot stop crying over Snowie. I miss him so very much and will love him longer than forever. Soon I will have his ashes and I will keep them where I can see them every day so he will be thought of every day.

Snowie – know that you were loved in this life and now beyond. I will always remember you as a happy, kind doggie.

I miss your little wet kisses,


Love forever,
Tracy Davis