Pixie by Becky Ayers / Mommy

Pixie entered our family’s life after being thrown away on the side of a frozen road with her siblings, like garbage. She quickly became best friends with my dog Sheba. Sheba had been with us for 10 years by then and took to Pixie like a mother to a child. I remember how Sheba would give Pixie little kisses and end up chewing Pixies whiskers off in the process. She loved her so much….we all did. Pixie helped me when we lost Sheba, even though I know that her heart was breaking as well. She stayed by my side and mourned with me, and she also helped me to heal by playing with me at night. Pixie was a very caring and warm cat. She, like Sheba followed me wherever she could and whenever I seemed upset, she would cuddle up to me or make a sound as if to say “It’s okay, I’m here for you.”

I will miss my little girl very much, but I know that God knows how much my pets mean to me and I know I will see them again
when I pass on to Heaven.

Pixie, I’m sorry I couldn’t make you better when you got sick and I’m sorry I wasn’t with you when you died. Mommy loves you very much and I always will. Find Sheba and stay with her until it’s time for me to join you both. I love you, my little angel.


Love Always,
Becky Ayers