Katie by Jeff DeWitt / Papa

Well, It’s September 22nd 2008, and Katie has been gone for 4 years today. I can hardly believe she’s been gone that long because there is still an ache in my heart everytime I think of her, which is all the time. I had my little girl for 18 and a half years. My little gray tabbie never weighed over 5 pounds so some people say it was a miricle that she lived almost 2 decades. There is a verse in the song ” Mr. Bogangles” that says his dog up and died, and after 20 years he still grieves. I can believe that now. I know my Katie is waiting for me at the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ and we will be together again some day, but until then, she’s with me in my heart everyday.


I love you little bitty baby girl.
Jeff DeWitt